Tomás Saraceno

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Hybrid semi-social semi-social semi-social Cluster GC 4477


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Long Lake Estates

Tomás Saraceno (1973) is an Argentinian contemporary artist who “lives and works in and beyond the planet Earth” (

He is best known for his large-scale, interactive installations and floating sculptures, and for his interdisciplinary approach to art.

His interest in spiders stems in part from a childhood period in Italy when he lived with his family in a centuries-old house whose attic was filled with spiders. “Were the spiders living in my house, or was I living in the spiders’ house?” he asked. In one exhibition, he summoned 500 spiders from around the building with specially calibrated tuning forks to become collaborators in his artwork.

I had some trepidation heading to this exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in San Telmo. 7000 spiders have spun what's purported to be the world's largest spiderweb collection (seems a dubious claim - I mean, in how much space, where, etc.