Kadar Brock

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Cleaning brushes, dark and blue, 2020

Kadar Brock

Kadar Brock was born in 1980 and lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.  
In Brock’s large-scale abstract paintings, a discordant combination of techniques, styles, and colors comes together in clashing tension. By turns described as a post-graffiti and “casualist” artist, Brock riffs on the history of abstraction, employing old tropes with simple patterns and crude geometric forms into his works, while also inviting an element of chance to determine his markings. He has been known to roll a Dungeons & Dragons dice to dictate marks in his paintings according to the die’s symbols and numbers. Accidents, such as downward drips, are incorporated into the paintings. 

MuseumFromHome with artist Kadar Brock as he discusses the discordant styles referenced in the work "Always, Already," 2008, which is in the permanent colle...