Josh Tonsfeldt

Josh Tonsfeldt.JPG

Untitled 2017

Great Jones Alley

Josh Tonsfeldt is an American artist who was born in 1979 and lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.

 His work consists of video, photographs, drawings, and sculptures which reconfigure moments and places from his day-to-day experiences. He takes many photos, shoots videos, and finds objects of interest without any specific idea of how they may be used in the future. Tonsfeldt uses multiple technologies, intervening in each layer of the process of creating a photograph—capturing, storing, organizing, and printing.  He often combines distorted images of his own body, other bodies, animals, and machines. 

Slideshow from Vidal Cuglietta 

 Solo exhibitions include

  • Josh Tonsfeldt, Raucci/ Santamaria, Naples

  • About a work #10, Galleria Zero, Milan, Italy (2016)

  • Adrenaline, Simon Preston Gallery, New York, NY (2015)

  • Rowhouse Project, Baltimore, MD (2014)

  • Galerie VidalCuglietta, Brussels, Belgium (2013)

  • 4: Cat – Cos, Franco Soffiantino, Turin, Italy (2010)

  • Physician’s Horse Vanishes, Simon Preston Gallery, New York, NY (2008)

Work appears in

  • Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo (2016)

  • DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, MA (2017)