Alex Olson
Untitled, 2017
Long Lake Estates
Alex Olson, (b. 1978), is an American artist living and working in Los Angeles.
She is known for her abstract paintings, which juxtapose patterns, shapes, textures, and colors. Her works are characterized by layers of marks, made not only by traditional means of painting, but also with her fingers, scraping away and dragging the paint to create textured surfaces.
The Otis College of Art and Design Fine Arts Department is proud to present a lecture by visiting artist Alex Olson. Olson (b. 1978 Boston) makes abstract paintings that provoke an extended sense of time and elicit prolonged consideration. Solo Exhibitions include Laura Barlett Gallery, London; Lisa Cooley, New York; Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago.
Exhibitions include
“Variations: Conversations in and Around Abstract Painting,” LACMA, Los Angeles
Public Fiction, Los Angeles
“Murmurs: Recent Contemporary Acquisitions”, curated by Rita Gonzalez, LACMA, Los Angeles; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
Works appear in
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis.